Witnessing to the world
Toward World Evangelization
Witnessing will make it come true
In 1997, Rev. Pildo Joung’s ''Practical Pastoral Theology” textbook was published in Japanese. It was the result of the many meetings he held from Sapporo to Kagoshima; preaching the Word and meeting with elders and churches. It is a summary and compilation of numerous meetings and conferences he held, beginning with the first conference held through the invitation of Pastor Yokota in 1991. The textbook con tains the essence of Rev. Pildo Joung's theology of ministry and has been actively used to this day.
In 2006, after the visit of Rev. Pildo Joung, Chiang Mai adopted the Holy City Movement. Previously, Thai churches had 이lly gathered once a week on Sunday morning to hold a perfunctory worship service. However, members who experienced the filling of the Holy Spirit through the Chiang Mai Holy City Prayer Movement returned to their respective churches and organized prayer meetings. This continued on for 10 years and churches in Chiang Mai have experienced a 30% growth. The prayer movement has spread to Chiang Rai and Mehong Son, and is continues to be active 25 cities across Thailand.
China has restrictions on preaching the gospel under the influence of atheism. Nevertheless, Rev. Pildo Joung held church conferences and meetings in 30 provinces, 5 municipalities, 5 auton이nous regions, 10 four-year theological seminaries, 11 provincial-level seminaries, and all churches in Beijing. He was also able to officially publish his book "The Church is Built on YDur Knees' in the Chinese language.
Through the CRC denomination, an opportunity was given to hold a local conference (Prayer Summit) for Slavic people in Sacramento. At that time there was a Russian TV station (Impact TV) that was regularly airing Korean her etic L cult's broadcasts weekly. Upon hearing this news, Rev. Pildo Joung and his wife Shinsil Park, passionately made various efforts to secure a one-hour live interview on the network. As a result, the broadcasting station manager, who also hap pened to be a pastor, repented of having succumbed to the heretical cult’s don ations, and immediately replaced the cult' programing with a broadcast of Rev. Pildo J oung's sermons. Even to this day, Rev. Pildo Joung's sermons are being broadcasted, and the pure and true gospel is being proclaimed.
Witnessing till the end
The message he proclaimed until the end
"As I prepared this message today,
I thought to myself that this is a message that I should deliver wherever I go.
That's the kind of message I prepared today.
Wherever I go, I must say this!
When I preach in other countries, I must preach this.
When I speak at other churches, I must preach this message!
And that is the message I want to speak to you today.”
God created us to be happy human beings. (Genesis 1:26-31)
[2022.02.13. Summary of Rev. Pildo Joung's last Sunday sermon]
Rev. Pildo Joung’s final prayers
"I'm no longer the same person I was an hour ago .
Now, I have become a new Pastor Joung, filled with power, word, and prayer.
And, through the power of faith, prayer, and the Holy Spirit, I believe that I will live like this from now on. You too will become co-work ers with me.
All that remains for you is to accept the salvation of f aith and walk together on that path. Thank you. Give glory to God.
And be ready to devote your life for the Lord.
May you become disciples of the Lord wherever you go through the power and authority of the Holy Spirit, and may a wonderful history be made through you. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!"
"God will use us even more greatly. Believe with confidence and live by faith.
I believe that more than ten times the fruit and power will
appear than what we have seen in the past. We give glory to God in every moment.
I believe that all of us who work as the servants of the
Holy Spirit, will do even more amazing things.
I declare with confidence in the name of Jesus. Thank you.
I believe that all those who have joined me in this work and our family members who believe in our Lord will become great servants of the Lord, who bear fruit and be used wherever they are. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!"
"May the Korean church be renewed, and may the glory of God be clearly manifested through our testimonies so that many servants of
the Lord may be saved and become servants who devote their lives to Him. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen!"